L: I took this photo (while swimming!) of Stargazer at anchor in Government Cove, just East of Cascade Locks.
R: This was the view from my cabin while I lived on Stargazer in Friday Harborfor 4 months in 1998!
For more information and pictures of Stargazer, click *HERE*!

Our family fleet of Sunfish, mine is the gorgeous one in the center, Dayle's is red, white & blue!

Here is me sailing my Sunfish at Waldo Lake, with daughter Amy along for the ride!

L: The houseboat and Stargazer - where I lived for 4 1/2 years! Portland, Oregon.
R: The houseboat is near the brown tree on the right of Mt. Hood.
For more pictures, click *HERE*

Left: a rare Wood Duck!! | Right: A Snow Goose & Coot

Our kitty, "Lucy" She's a tortoise shell Himalayan, what a face, eh? *grin* ~*:-)

Amy, Travis & Shawn, our 3 wonderful kids!

Amy & Jay Johns - Married at Portland Yacht Club on September 16, 2000 Click HERE for the Wedding Album
The guests have all said it was the BEST wedding they'd ever attended! *grin* ~*:-)

Dayle & I got married in 1970, raised 3 GREAT kids! Married 28 years, divorced for 5
and remarried on April 1st, 2003!! Click on the picture on the right to see the wedding website!

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